Review: Stephen King – Mr. Mercedes

coverAs a long time fan of Stephen King, I was thrilled to get my hands on a copy of Mr. Mercedes.

Being the picky reader I am, I wasn’t sure how I would like this. Would it be another CHRISTINE? Would I compare the two? Would I be bored? You never seem to be bored by Stephen King!

And romance in a Stephen King novel? Not done in the past very much, and the one book where he tried didn’t seem to work for me.

However, Mr Mercedes is something special, VERY SPECIAL. This book was so much fun to read. I literally was riveted at the end. And now I am sorry it is over. But the good news is, it is a trilogy, and the second book is already done!

The characters in this book are so believable and fun to read. I wish you all could read this book, and I have not felt this way about a King book since EYES OF THE DRAGON. Don’t get me wrong, I have thoroughly enjoyed many KING books, but this one hits the nail on the head. It works on so many level, and the emotion I felt at the end was palpable.

This is the story of a policeman who doesn’t want to retire, and a killer who enjoys the pleasure of killing. This is not a gruesome book in that way. Why does everyone think KING will always be gory? The threesome that develops in this book is AWESOME, and the thought they might be back for book two thrills me. I sure hope so.

Meanwhile, enjoy the heck out of this book. I know you will!



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