DBT0239: Michael and Denise Okuda – Star Trek Encyclopedia: Revised Edition

Authors of the STAR TREK ENCYLOPEDIA: REVISED EDITION, Michael and Denise Okuda are two wonderful people, and are experts on the whole star trek universe!
Michael has worked on more than a few of the many Star Trek incarnations including DS9, STAR TREK NEXT GENERATION, ST VOYAGER, AND STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE. He has been nominated for three prime-time Emmys, and is so nice to talk to. He and his wife Denise have much to talk about with this massive 1,056-page book! Wow, this is the longest book I have ever talked about on my shows!
These two graciously gave me their time, just because they thought it might be interesting and it was!! Denise was a writer for several star trek film and television productions. What a fascinating couple they make, and so smart. A pleasure to do this interview.
The book goes on sale OCTOBER 18TH, 2016 and should be a great Christmas gift!

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