
DBT0285: Paul Vigna – Guts: The Anatomy of the Walking Dead

Paul Vigna writes for the Wall Street Journal and is an incredible expert on the TV show The Walking Dead, having written recaps for the show since the beginning.

A huge hit, the show has had at one point 19 million viewers every week.

(The show has been the subject of speculation lately, after the death of a stuntman for the show. My heart goes out to the stuntman’s family. He was truly great at what he did.)

Paul is so fascinating to talk to, and we went on for almost an hour about the show. (And we will talk more with another author coming up soon who has written novels based on the show.) This was one of the most fun interviews, because we disagree on a lot of things about the show. There are so many fascinating parts of this book, and you will get to read every one. I was thrilled to see the show analyzed even more than I ever considered. Its not all about the gore and the zombies, there is so much more, and that is the point.

AMC calls Walking Dead the most successful show they have ever put on the air. What will happen to Negan in Season 8? Will he survive?

A wonderful interview, and Paul is so engaging. Enjoy!

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